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telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule tests the German knowledge needed for success at an advanced academic level. The examination is suitable for adults who are interested in studying at German institutes of higher education, for adults who have already begun their studies at an institute of this kind or for adults who are working in an academic field and have the desire or necessity to demonstrate their German skills.

What can you do at level C1?

At level C1 you can express yourself spontaneously and fluently. You are familiar with idiomatic phrases and can vary your style of language as appropriate. You can use the language with a high degree of grammatical accuracy.

What is the structure of the examination?

The examination consists of a written and an oral part. The written examination lasts 3 hours and 40 minutes (incl. a 20-minute break). Before the oral examination, you have 20 minutes of preparation time. The oral examination can take place on the day of the written examination or on another day.

Where can I take a telc examination?
At all telc examination centres (e.g. Adult Education Centres). Please be aware that some examination centres do not offer the entire telc programme. To find the examination centres in your area,

What does the examination cost?
Your examination centre will inform you about the exam fee. Each examination centre is free to determine the exam fee individually, so unfortunately we cannot give you any details.

Can I repeat the examination?
Yes, as often as you wish. If you have failed just the oral exam or just the written exam, you do not need to take the whole examination again. You will find details on this under § 5 of the examination regulations.

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